Monday, February 28, 2011

Jump around

From last time you'll remember that computer memory can hold different types of information, namely data and instructions. Both of these are just numbers that are given special meaning either by the programmer (data) or by the computer processor itself (instructions). Last time we talked about how normally the processor reads one instruction, performs the action associated with that instruction, then reads the next instruction, performs it, and on and on. The program counter of the processor holds a number which is the memory address of the next instruction it is going to load for the processor to perform.

Imagine as if all of the instructions of a computer program were in the computer memory all in a row, and the program counter points to the first one, then the next one, then the next. That's pretty much how it works, except that model doesn't allow for the repetition of any instructions (or in other words, the processor can never execute an instruction that has a lower address than its current program counter). It also would mean that you can never skip an instruction that maybe you don't want to do right now. The answer to both of these problems is collectively "jumping" and "branching." A jump is a processor instruction that UNconditionally changes the program counter (and thus the source of the next instruction) to a new value, instead of just the next one in the line. A branch is a processor instruction that conditionally changes the program counter (meaning it may or may not change the program counter, depending on whatever condition the programmer dictates).

We'll talk in a later post about what the difference is between conditional branching and unconditional jumping, but first let's go through an example of regular, unconditional jumping. Let's say your program counter (PC) is currently set to 16 (PC=16). This means that the next instruction that will be executed by the processor is located at memory address 16. The processor loads the instruction at memory address 16, and it finds:

jump 60

This means that executing this instruction directly changes the value of the program counter to PC=60. For the processor's next instruction it looks at memory address 60. Let's say at memory address 60 it finds:

jump 16

This instruction will directly change the program counter to PC=16, which you'll recognize is where it just was last time. This little example is very silly because all it does is jump between PC=16 and PC=60 over and over, like an infinite loop. You would never see this in a real program, but it gives you an idea of how unconditional jumping works, jumping both backwards and forwards. In this example if there hadn't been another jump instruction at PC=60, and instead there had been an add, or load, or store, then the program counter would have just behaved like normal after executing the instruction at PC=60, increasing to the next instruction in the list, and so on.

So in summary, jump instructions directly change the value of the processor's program counter (PC), controlling which instruction will get executed next by the processor. Next time we'll look at conditional jumping, or "branching," and where these conditions come from in the first place.

NOTE: when I say that memory location 16 contains the instruction "jump 60," I don't mean that the word "jump" is somehow written into that memory location. What really is going on is that there is a series of bits that would look pretty random to you or me at first glance, but that the processor interprets as "jump" and then the binary number 60. I'm going to talk about computer instructions in terms of English, not in terms of binary.

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