Thursday, February 17, 2011

The first one

Hi. My name is Seth and I study computers. I really like computers. Sometimes I claim to hate computers. Maybe there's a bit of both going on. Anyway, I wish more people knew about computers and how they work. Hopefully I can share a bit of what I know with you. I'm going to start with things that I consider basic, and move on from there. I don't want any one post to be too long or heavy, so I'm going to try to keep things concise and simple, and break important concepts into multiple, bite-sized posts if I need to. If I ever use any big words, let me know and I'll correct it. Big words should almost never be used by anyone at any time.

Also, if you think I'm wrong about something, let me know in the comments. If I agree that I'm wrong and I feel like fixing it, I will. However, I might be intentionally wrong. I'm trying to explain computer science with as little required background as possible, so I might simplify things and gloss over details that are a big deal in real life, but aren't important for these discussions.

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