Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CS: Loops and conditionals, pt. 1

When I set out to write this series of articles, I wanted to help people who use computers, but don't understand what's going on under the hood, understand what's going on under the hood. Before the reset a couple weeks ago I talked about binary math, computer memory, and branching, in that order. This time around I've skipped binary math, I've talked about memory from a high, abstract level, and now I'm going to tackle branching/looping again. Instead of presenting simple programs as short assembly instruction sequences like I did last time, I'm going to take the easy way out and use a format that might resemble a regular programming language. With that out of the way ...

Everything a computer does can be broken up into individual, small and distinct operations called "instructions." Instructions are simple units of work, and a single instruction might say "load the variable at this memory address into the processor," or "add these two variables together and store the result in this other variable." These instructions are stored in memory and the processor tackles these in the order they appear in memory (for example, it executes the instruction at memory address 200 before it executes the instruction at address 201, and both of these are done before the address at 202, &c.).

Performing instructions in order is useful because it lets the programmer have guarantees about what the processor will do when it executes the program (he knows it won't just randomly execute whatever it feels like). The immediate downside is that if the computer keeps executing instructions in a straight line, there's no way to re-execute old instructions again, or to skip instructions maybe you don't want to execute right now. Both of these problems are solved via looping and conditional execution.

First a bit of vocabulary. I'm going to refer to the endless, ordered list of instructions the processor can execute as the "instruction stream." In this context, "looping" means to repeat an earlier part of the instruction stream (perhaps many times) and "conditional execution" means that you *maybe* will execute the next part of the instruction stream, or you might skip it.

Next we need to be familiar with some computer language jargon and notation relating to loops and conditionals. Here are some more vocabulary words to remember:

conditional statement - This is a question that you can ask about the current state of the program and its variables that you can either answer with "true" or "false." For example, you can ask "is variable X is greater than 10?" As a conditional statement that would be in a real program, this would appear as "X>10" (note there is no question mark, and we're using the "greater than" symbol). If X is greater than 10, this will mean "true," and if X is 9 or less, then this will mean "false." It's conditional.

while() - Yes, the parentheses are included in this vocabulary word. Inside the parentheses goes a "conditional statement." If the conditional statement is true, then you perform some loop as long as the conditional remains true. If the conditional was never true (i.e., always false), then you skip over the while-loop altogether.

if() - Yes, again the parentheses are included, and there's another conditional statement in there. This is really similar to a while-loop, except instead of repeating what comes after this over and over as long as the condition is true, you execute it only once if the condition is true, or zero times if it is false.

{} - These braces let you know that all of the instructions between them are grouped together. This is called a "code block" ("block" as in a block of a street, where all of the houses on that block are neighbors). This group of instructions is what gets repeatedly executed in a loop, or what might skipped over entirely if an if-statement evaluates to false.

break - this special command lets you get out of a while loop early. It usually shows up right after an if-statement. We'll see one of these in action in the next article.

Before I end this article I want to show one example of a simple while loop that is executed 10 times (I parenthetically explain each line. Don't get confused by too many parentheses):

x=0 (this means we're making the variable x hold the value 0)
while(x<10) (execute this loop as long as x is less than 10)
x=x+1 (this means we're taking whatever x currently holds, adding one, and making x hold that new value. Essentially we're increasing the vale of x by 1)

Variable x starts out at 0, and 1 is added to it 10 times. This is a while-loop that loops around 10 times (or 9 if you don't count the first time through as a "loop"). Notice the braces, also. This time there was only one instruction inside the braces, but there could have been more. If there were more, they would each be on their own line, and each would get executed in the order it appears. When we loop, we go back to the very beginning of the loop, to the very first instruction if there is more than one in the code block.

That's it for this time. Next time, I'll show an example using if-statements, and then one big example that incorporates a while-loop, if-statement, a code block that's bigger than 1, and a break command.

1 comment:

  1. I think python reads easier for people that don't already know programming.

    x = 0
    while x < 10:
    x = x + 1

    The only thing to explain about python syntax is that a block has the same indentation.
